Study Abroad CRM

Abroad Studies CRM is an integrated platform for managing application procedures, lead management, and various agents or referrals for abroad studies consultants. To manage your education abroad, you no longer need various platforms and solutions. A single platform will meet all of your operational and business demands, and then some. This is an industry-wide platform that brings together all stakeholders, such as students, brokers, universities, and referrals, under one roof and provides value to everyone. Abroad studies CRM fosters a welcoming environment for those interested in studying abroad.

Abroad Studies CRM is an integrated platform for managing application procedures, lead management, and various agents or referrals for abroad studies consultants. To manage your education abroad, you no longer need various platforms and solutions. A single platform will meet all of your operational and business demands, and then some. This is an industry-wide platform that brings together all stakeholders, such as students, brokers, universities, and referrals, under one roof and provides value to everyone. Abroad studies CRM fosters a welcoming environment for those interested in studying abroad.

Study Abroad CRM Modules

Integrated Lead Management
Integrated Lead Management
Task Scheduling And Management
Task Scheduling And Management
Invoice Management
Invoice Management
Abroad Colleges Database
Abroad Colleges Database
Payouts Management
Payouts Management
Application management and tracking
Application management and tracking
Documents management
Documents management
White label platform technology
White label platform technology
MIS generation
MIS generation
Integrated lead management

Integrated lead management

Invest in a lead management system that is centralized. Create campaign pages, follow-ups, and reminders, as well as import leads, monitor those leads and create auto-forwarding rules.

Task scheduling and management

Task scheduling and management

Add a task or event in the system so you don't forget to follow up using our task scheduling and notification system. Multi-layer assignments can also be assigned.

Invoice management

Invoice management

With our speedy invoice creation system, you can send an invoice to a student, an agency, a referral, or a university. You can even track the payments and payouts.

Abroad colleges database

Abroad colleges database

Obtain default access to a database of abroad colleges in different countries. On the platform, you can also add colleges and details. Database of colleges is simple to manage.

Payouts management

Payouts management

In the system, you can create and manage your own tie-ups and pay-outs. If you have a limited number of tie-ups, don't panic; you can still access our tie-ups and receive payouts.

Additional Features

Additional Features

  • Leads Management System.

  • Walk-in Management System with verification of visitors

  • Reduced manual work and adopting automation

  • Excellent Follow-up system & records of calls and counseling as well.

  • Easy Assessment.

  • Quality check of application and smooth start-up of processing.

  • Internal communication for smooth process and functioning.

  • Visa Process record system

  • Document Management system for Database.

  • Guide feature, through which counselors can download all the required information and materials i.e, admission, visa checklist, etc.

  • Registration Process to maintain standard records systematically.

  • Timesheet feature, which will give you a detailed report of your team.

  • Internal Messaging feature

  • Internal Notes feature wherein we can communicate internally throughout the process for individuals.